
Closing of the Athletes' Village shell

Closing of the Athletes' Village shell

At the heart of the largest single-site construction project in France, the Nexity - Eiffage Immobilier - CDC Habitat consortium, with the Groupama Group as investor and in partnership with the EDF Group, is completing the shell of Sector E - Les Belvédères of the Athletes' and Para-Athletes' Village in Saint-Ouen, two years after the start of construction in April 2021.

In this extraordinary eco-design project, where technical prowess and tight deadlines go hand in hand on a daily basis, 5 lots, 19 buildings and 58,274 m² (SDP) will see the end of the structural work phase at the end of March 2023, with particular attention paid to universal accessibility and reversibility.

With nearly 75% of the materials used in the "Games" phase being dismantled and reused (off-site) during the "legacy" phase, the eco-design structural work that is now coming to an end has led to a preference for mixed wood/concrete low-carbon construction.

The design and installation of the structures were carried out by Eiffage Construction on the basis of studies carried out by SETEC TPI, in compliance with fire safety regulations and France Bois 2024 recommendations, while maximising the quantity of visible wood.

Safety is also a key factor in the management of this project. The HSE (health, safety and environment) charter, actions and commitments have aimed, in the continuity of the respective prevention policies, to collectively ensure the safety of the building's workers as well as a real safety culture in a shared vigilance.

Similarly, 190,000 hours of work experience have been put in place, in particular via the "Destination Emploi" project, including training to encourage young people in the region to obtain permanent jobs.

Finally, more than 25% of the cost of the work was contracted out to VSEs/SMEs from the social economy.

The project won by the consortium in November 2019 was rapidly followed by the various phases of the project from that date onwards:

  •     The various building permits were filed before the summer of 2020, and obtained in the 4th quarter of 2020;
  •     The design studies for all the lots started in January 2020 with the APS and ended in December of the same year with the DCE;
  •     The first half of 2021 saw the finalisation of the contracts to allow the launch of the execution studies;
  •     The foundation work began in the summer of 2021 and the structural work with the installation of the first wooden elements in January 2022;
  •     The structural work was completed on 31 March 2023; the finishing work began in the summer of 2022, with completion of the site at the end of December 2023.


  • Nearly 22 months of design period
  • 32 months of work
  • 5 dual-status building permits
  • 19 buildings
  • 58,274 m² of floor space
  • 44,360 m3 of low carbon concrete
  • 21,000 m2 of MOB (timber frame wall) and 800 FOBA (timber frame/aluminium facade) blocks
  • 3,000 m3 of glued laminated timber
  • 500 m3 of beech LVL
  • 2,490 athletes expected in the summer of 2024
  •  600 workers will have worked on this site