
Handover of the 58,000m2 Bordeaux Montaigne Montesquieu Campus after 24 months of refurbishment on an occupied site by Eiffage Construction

Handover of the 58,000m2 Bordeaux Montaigne Montesquieu Campus after 24 months of refurbishment on an occupied site by Eiffage Construction

In September 2019, Eiffage Construction signed a global public performance contract with the Société de Réalisation Immobilière et d'Aménagement (SRIAUB) for the refurbishment of the humanities and social sciences sector of the Université de Bordeaux and the Université Bordeaux Montaigne, as well as for the large arts and law library on the Pessac university estate. As leader of the consortium, Eiffage Construction has joined forces with the architectural firm Patriarche, the design office Arcadis and Idex, which will operate and maintain the buildings. Work began in September 2020 and is now nearing completion with the handover of the university complex.

Refurbishment of Université Montesquieu (UBDSPEG) and Université Bordeaux Montaigne (UBM)
This major refurbishment project, covering an area of around 58,000 sq. metres, involved upgrading, improvement, restructuring and extension work. It includes the design of the works, the implementation of the works in several phases, while ensuring the continuation of the activity and part of the operation and maintenance of the works and major maintenance and renewal operations.

Most of the space has been brought up to standard and improved (accessibility, fire safety, waterproofing, heating, energy performance, etc.). A smaller proportion, around 6,000 m², has been restructured or redeveloped. Occasional extensions of around 2,200 m² have been carried out, mainly for offices, teaching premises and university libraries.
Refurbishment of the Droit-Lettres University Library  
The Bibliothèque Universitaire Droit-Lettres marks the entrance to the university estate from Pessac. This remarkable facility required major renovation to preserve its integrity, improve its reception qualities and make it more energy-efficient (waterproofing, thermal insulation, replacement of joinery, etc.). It was also an opportunity to carry out major restructuring to reorganise the administrative areas and document collections and transform the reading areas by creating work rooms and increasing the number of seats (250 more in the extension).

Lastly, the 2,800 m² extension will provide a better response to new uses and a better welcome for users, with the addition of a snack bar. The redevelopment of the library will also contribute to campus life, in particular by opening it up to the city (a shared space between the city and the university).

During the works, which were carried out on an occupied site, 11,000 m² of modular buildings were made available for classes and administrative services.In terms of sustainable development, the construction of the BU building is aiming for HQE excellent certification. The other buildings are aiming for HQE certification.

Lasting 30 months, the works, scheduled to be carried out on an occupied site, were launched in September 2020, following a 12-month design phase. Classes and research continued throughout the works period. In order to involve and inform Campus users, Eiffage Construction developed a website to act as an interface between the worksite, the teaching staff and the students.The site provides regular news updates, as well as information on various initiatives such as the integration of young people into the workforce (with Bati Action and CREPI Gironde), the promotion of certain trades and the measures taken to prevent noise pollution.

In line with the Eiffage Group's CSR commitments, nearly 30,000 hours of social integration were carried out, and 60% of the work was entrusted to local SMEs.This project is a further illustration of Eiffage Construction's strong position in the education sector, where we work on facilities ranging from nursery schools to universities.

Congratulations to our teams on the completion of this XXL university project!Project owner: Société de Réalisation Immobilière et d'Aménagement (SRIAUB)
Architect: Patriarche architecture firm
Consortium leader: Eiffage Construction